Calendar - City of Sarnia

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Events List

(4 Results Found)
October 1, 2024  to  October 31, 2024
1 Oct
Council Meeting Council

1:00 PM

9 Oct
Waste Master Plan Open House Community Information Sessions and Open Houses

7:00 PM| 134 Brock St S, Sarnia ON

Learn more about the draft Waste Master Plan, ask questions and provide feedback by attending our open house on October 9 at 7 p.m. in the Kiwanis Room at Pat Stapleton Arena.

26 Oct
Fright Night at Cana-Scare-A Park City Signature Events

5:00 PM| Canatara Park, 1200 Lake Chipican Drive, Sarnia

With free, self-guided haunts for all ages, trick-or-treat stations, and more, Fright Night at Cana-Scare-A-Park is a chance for some Halloween fun the whole family can enjoy.

Fright Night at Cana-Scare-A Park will take place on October 26, 2024 from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm at Canatara Park (Animal Farm area).

28 Oct
Council Meeting Council

1:00 PM